Thursday, March 5, 2009

Today's happenings

I worked on a couple of projects today. I made some letter blocks for my newest niece Afton.
That was kind of frustrating because I couldn't figure out the vinyl and wasted about 3 feet of it and then I made the "A" too big and had to cut it down by hand. Ah, well. The other thing I did was try to find a way to extend the life of my daughters jeans. She is amazingly brutal on her clothes. I don't really want to go out and buy a bunch of pants to get her through the rest of the school year, but I feel pretty embarrassed sending her to school in these.
I decided to turn them into capris. I cut off the jeans just over the gaping hole and I also cut the very bottom cuff off because I don't like to hassle with that kind of stuff, so I just reuse the original ones from the pants if they are in decent enough shape. I used an old scarf, but any piece of material would work. I just sewed the scarf in between the two pieces of pant and you've got instant capris!


  1. Cute ideas! You are way too crafty!

  2. Love the jeans...especially the tip about just saving the bottom to reattach (I hate hemming things!) I'll have to start going through drawers!

  3. Very cute! I also like to draw a shape like a heart over the hole, put some fabric under the hole, sew around the shape and then cut the shape close to the sewing. The fabric shows through and the edge of the jeans gives it a rag-quilt look. Make sense?

  4. What a great idea. Adds some color and you get to keep the original hem!

  5. You. are. a. smarty. pants!!!!


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