Monday, April 4, 2011

2011 Parade of Homes Day No.1!!!

It's finally here!!!!!

Are you feeling a little bit like this?

{{me too}}

If you are not familiar with the parade of homes, let me tell you how it works.

You will be invited into the homes of 4 incredibly talented bloggers each day this week. I will show you a few pictures of their decorating style and then you will hop over to their blogs and take a more in depth tour of their homes.  Each participating blogger will link to the next blog, so by Friday you will be able to click through all 20 tours. 

That's all there is to it! 

You don't have to buy a ticket, race around town trying to find addresses or put on blue booties. All you have to do is grab yourself some snacks, a pencil and paper to write down all of the brilliant ideas and clickity click away!!

You'll be excited to see that we have super, out of this world amazing bloggers participating this year.
Please be courteous guests during the tours! 
Be sure let the bloggers know how much we appreciate their efforts, and I'm sure you'll find some new sites that you'll want to follow!

If you would like to join us, we will be having a parade linky party on Saturday, April 9th!
Link up a tour of your home, or one of your favorite rooms!

Alright, let' get started!

We will be starting the tour off with a bang by visiting Funky Junk Interiors! 

Isn't this so fun?!?
I just can't get enough!!!!

Meet me back here tomorrow! We'll be touring

My Sweet Savannah
Flea Market Trixie
Starview Sonnet
Red Door Home

Thanks ladies!!!


  1. These are so great! I want to move in! :)

    1. This is such a great idea! I loved taking a peek at all of the lovely homes.
      thank you for your share!

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  2. This is so much fun.... I love all of these blogger homes... They make me smile. thank you for doing this...can't wait to see more.

    The Shabby Chick

  3. I've just been thru most of your blog and love all the printables! I'll be using those. I'm your newest follower!

  4. Found you through the "parade." I am loving it! Can't wait to click around on your blog too!

  5. Yeah! This is one of my favorite things in blog land. I am letting my viewers know about it tonight. Hope it sends you some good traffic for the week. Thanks for putting this together!

  6. Oh my goodness, What a fabulous Idea. I Love looking through peoples homes. I'll be back tomorrow to see more.

  7. Creative beauty combined in to magical packages of homes! Love them all :)

  8. I am sharing this on my blog and fb page tonight! I love this! I have seen so many great ideas already. I can't wait to see what the rest of the week brings!!! Thanks for hosting!

  9. Thank you so much for having me! I love a parade! I'm tweeting . . .

  10. This is such a great idea! I loved taking a peek at all of the lovely homes.

  11. I am sooo excited! I have found through this 'parade' several new fun blogs to follow!!

  12. I love this post!!!! I want my home to be good enough to be featured one day! Follow my blog :)

  13. Hey!
    This is my first visit to your blog and I'm so glad I found you! I happened upon it from another blog and I'm now following the parade of homes. What a great idea! Thanks for sharing these beautiful homes. I've visited the first eight and I can't wait to visit the rest of them this week. Also, I'm now following you blog!!

  14. Andy - thanks so much for doing this. It has been so much fun!

  15. The amount and level of creativity is blogging continues to astound me. This is a great great idea.


  16. oh!! this is great, I´ll come back later and take the tour!!! thanks.
    hugs from Chile

  17. Hey Andy,

    I'm wondering if there is going to be a Parade of Homes 2012? I know it's one of everyone's favorite things!

    @ Creatively Living

    1. I love to Katie, I'm a little behind schedule this year, but hopefully mid summer:)

  18. This is such a great idea! I loved taking a peek at all of the lovely homes.
    thank you for your share!

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  19. Thank you so much for having me! I love a parade! I'm tweeting . . .

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